Ah, Halloween, the magical time of year when it's considered culturally acceptable to scare small children. It's also about costumes and candy, but that's to lure the small children in so you can scare them.
Back to the costumes; most kids will dress up as a superhero at one point in their lives, typically Spiderman, Superman, Batman, Ironman, or Wolverine. Even though most of those heroes are pretty cool, they've been overused. So instead, I'm going to create a costume guide for one of my favorite X-Men, Gambit. For me as a little kid, it didn't get more awesome than watching a guy throw exploding playing cards. I mean, just think of how much fun playing poker would be!
Anyway, the costume is easy; get a skintight, shiny black leotard, a trenchcoat, and a staff that retracts. Oh, and be adept at throwing playing cards. Which I will teach you how to do. (see picture at bottom for a visual)
1. Pick up card.
2. Hold card so the longest side is parallel to your arm.
3. Place middle finger under card, in the center.
4. Thumb over where middle finger would be located.
5. Place index finger on farthest corner.
6. Snap your wrist to launch it.
If you find the card thudding into the ground, or going the opposite direction, that means you're using your arm. That's not how to do it.
This will give you accuracy and power, if done correctly. Now to make them explode.
I would say coating the cards you intend to throw in an explosive compound would work, or split a card in two, and put some on the inside and glue it back together; so I recommend using a primary explosive, as this type usually requires impact or friction of some sort to detonate. (i.e. When the card hits the target) I recommend nitroglycerin, as it is legal and commercially available. It is quite dangerous, so if you saw that Zorro two movie like I did, (may your therapy heal you) take what the nitroglycerin did in that, subtract Hollywood, add the real world and you have a pretty powerful explosive.
For more info on nitroglycerin, see the Wikipedia page:
Nitroglycerin is not the most stable of materials, so you probably shouldn't shuffle the cards you've coated in it all that much, and you should probably not practice throwing the treated cards, stick with the non-treated, as they're less likely to, you know, blow a hole in your wall. Now, Gambit didn't use cards exclusively, as in several instances, he charged locks with kinetic energy, which promptly blew up, once spat a wad of gum that had been charged, he even charged his staff on numerous occasions to send the hapless recipients of the staff through walls. While chewing on Nitroglycerin gum is likely to kill you (as it would blow your head off the second you started chewing) it's not recommended to try making explosive gum. (you could always try the Misson Impossible I gum bomb though) Since the other applications probably won't work, I recommend just using cards, mainly because the only people likely to know that Gambit can do more than make poker games exciting, are people like me who have no life, and because having nitroglycerin gum is unsafe.
I probably have my own Homeland security officer monitoring my blog by now, so if you do try this, you assume all liabilities. Ok Mr. Government agent, I'm telling them not to do this. Just go to sleep, the next post will only be about how to set up your own nuclear reactor, PERFECTLY normal, law abiding citizen activity.
Anyway, happy Halloween readers, stay safe, have fun, and don't forget to follow my blog and leave comments.
.......Did you seriously just make a post about how to make playing cards explode when you throw them?